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Reproductive Sciences Medical Center (RSMC) is a world-class fertility center offering a “One Stop” service model that is unique in the industry. We are proud to be your fertility center.

Become a Surrogate Mother In California | Surrogate Mother Requirements

Even though most surrogacy agencies have their own sets of requirements; there are some similarities when filling out an initial application and ultimately being accepted into their program. Let’s discuss about some requirements tor become a surrogate mother in California:


Physical Requirements

Of course, all Intended Parents want their surrogate to be in good physical health, meaning, that you will have to clear a medical background check. Here are some other factors that an agency may consider:


  • Age: For RSMC you should be between the ages of 21 to 37
  • Should not be overweight or underweight (we put a BMI cut-off of 32)
  • Must have had at least one successful pregnancy without complications
  • No more than 5 vaginal births
  • Should not be using tobacco or marijuana for at least 3 months


Mental and Social Requirements



  • History of a criminal record or behavior
  • A history of postpartum depression
  • History of STD, which must have been already treated and currently inactive 
  • A stable lifestyle
  • Use of using anxiety medication and antidepressants over the last 12 months


Being a surrogate mother means sacrifice and selflessness. But it also means giving the ultimate gift of life to someone who truly needs it. If you would like to learn more about the surrogacy process, you can always visit us at www.Fertile.Com or call at (858) 342-3327

Source: http://fertile.com/become-a-surrogate